Media News

NLRB rejects Dow Jones review request

September 18, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

The National Labor Relations Board announced Tuesday it has rejected a petition by Dow Jones & Co. to review the NLRB decision that made photo editors and lead photo editors at The Wall Street Journal eligible for IAPE representation.

This final determination by the board follows a Sept. 8, 2023, unanimous vote by photo editors to join IAPE, the union that represents journalists at The Journal, believed to be a fitting conclusion after their Sept. 9, 2022, petition to form a union.

NLRB said the company’s request for an appeal raised “no substantial issues warranting review.”

Photo editors and lead photo editors have been recognized as IAPE-represented employees since last year, and IAPE and Dow Jones agreed to remove an exclusion for photo editors from the new 2023-27 contract.

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