Media News

News Corp CEO Thomson signals action against AI firm

July 3, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Robert Thomson

News Corp. chief executive officer Robert Thomson has signaled that the company is considering legal action against at least one generative artificial intelligence firm, reports John Buckley of Capital Brief.

Buckley writes, “In a nearly 2000-word memo to staff, Thomson shared further detail on the company’s approach to generative AI, which he claims has sparked a revolution and poses a serious threat to journalism. You can read the full memo here.

“The memo, obtained by Capital Brief, followed a Q&A session with News UK staff, where Thomson was asked why News Corp had opted not to take a similar approach to dealing with AI companies as The New York Times Company, which has moved to sue OpenAI.

“Thomson revealed that News Corp had considered joint action with the Times before it ‘reached for the publicity-seeking headlines’ and initiated a lawsuit against OpenAI in May. He mentioned that News Corp is now considering joint action against other companies.”

Read more here. News Corp. is the parent of The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and Investor’s Business Daily.

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