Media News

Morning Brew is ending its “Money Scoop” newsletter

July 11, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Morning Brew CEO Austin Reif sent out the following on Tuesday:

Hi all,

I wanted to share that we’ve made the decision to wind down Money Scoop, with its final run date scheduled for 9/29.

As you’ve seen over the last year, we’ve significantly changed our approach to how we operate and grow our brands and as a result Money Scoop no longer aligns with our broader content strategy. Over time we want to bring on a variety of talent-forward brands that speak to different populations within the broader Morning Brew audience.

While we are ending this franchise, it is important that we take the time to celebrate the hard work and success the Money Scoop team had. Money Scoop grew to over 350,000 subscribers and published hundreds of amazing stories!

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