Media News

Industry Dive: Executing a simple model well

August 28, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Jez Walters of Media Makers Meet interviewed Robin Re, senior vice president of marketing at Industry Dive, about the company’s strategy.

Walters writes, “When I put it to Robin that diversification was essential for any growing media business she stopped me in my tracks, ‘I disagree. Industry Dive is a lesson in executing a simple operating model well. We’ve grown intentionally, aware of the risk of jumping too quickly to a new offering.’

“She added, ‘For example, it would be tempting for us to go all-in on events. But we’re really good at growing high-value audiences digitally. And simple doesn’t mean boring – we were named in Fast Company’s most innovative companies list in 2024. As our CEO, Sean Griffey, often says ‘media is an execution game’.’

“Robin also holds the view that to remain competitive in the future, media companies will need to, ‘adopt technologies that will show advertisers the line of ROI from concept through to execution. Impressions, pageviews, clicks and leads are increasingly questioned and being able to offer clients identifiable engagements (in a cookie-light and privacy-heavy world) will be key.'”

Read more here.

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