Media News

How Lorenz plans to generate revenue from User Mag

October 3, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Taylor Lorenz

Amanda Perelli of Business Insider spoke with Washington Post tech columnist Taylor Lorenz about her plans to start her own publication called User Mag.

Here is an excerpt:

How are you planning to monetize User Mag beyond Substack subscribers?

I’m trying to do everything on subscription revenue but it depends on how much subscription revenue I can make. I think that you’re able to do more things when you rely on subscriptions, and it’s much harder to do certain things when you rely on advertising.

I will probably be doing a few one-off speaking gigs and things like that if opportunities come up. But I really want to try to go full-on subscription revenue, and if I can make enough off of subscription revenue, I can keep all of my YouTube content free and I can keep my podcast completely free without a paywall.

Read more here.


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