Media News

How Garfinkle is shaping the Term Sheet newsletter

April 26, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Allie Garfinkle
Allie Garfinkle

Allie Garfinkle of Fortune, who writes its Term Sheet newsletter, was interviewed by SBS Communications about her job.

Here is an excerpt:

A number of the tech industry’s top journalists have previously been Term Sheet writers. How are you making the newsletter your own? What changes can we expect?

My joke about this: I was given a crowded theater then everyone held their breaths to see if I could sing. In seriousness, Term Sheet has a history of incredible reporters (special love to Anne Sraders and Jessica Mathews, whose work you should follow right now). I’m genuinely honored to have taken up the Term Sheet mantle and I mean this sincerely: Joining Fortune has meant so much to me. I mean, I grew up with Fortune magazines, right? And my whole career I’ve looked up to journalists like Bethany McLean and Carol Loomis. I know I have a lot to live up to.

For better or worse, my style is pretty off-kilter. I like to make myself a guinea pig. I reference Stephen Sondheim, Olivia Rodrigo and Hammurabi’s Code, tying them into topics like AI and interest rates. That’s weird, yes, but it feels authentic to me and people seem to like surprising touch points.

I also think every Term Sheet era is distinctive just by the nature of the medium. A daily newsletter is kind of like giving a block of marble to a bunch of different sculptors – they’ll all come up with something quite different.

Read more here.

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