Lucy Keller, associate product manager for Bloomberg Media, writes about how it uses newsletters to attract readers.
Keller writes, “The newsletters officially shifted from the free model to our subscriber-exclusive model in the Fall of 2023, now only allowing Bloomberg.com paying users to sign-up. In thinking about our audience first, we grandfathered non-paying users in, allowing existing users of the three newsletters to continue to receive the newsletters for free.
“We are measuring success through newsletter sign-ups, aiming to achieve at least 14% of free newsletter sign-ups, relying on previous sign-up rates as benchmarks. Since the shift, sign-up results of the three subs-exclusive newsletters have been positive, with The Brink reaching 90% of sign-ups per day, The Weekly Fix seeing 63% of sign-ups per day and The Everything Risk exceeding our goal with 124% of sign-ups per day.
“Since we accompanied the newsletter model shift with a strong marketing campaign, we plan to keep a close eye on sign-up and engagement rates before leaning further in. If the numbers continue to look positive, it’s safe to say we’ll continue to invest in our subscriber-exclusive newsletter model.”
Read more here.