Media News

How a cannabis industry news site thrives in Vermont

April 5, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Gretchen Peck writes for Editor & Publisher about Green Mountain Vermont Cannabis News, which is covering the cannabis industry in the state and is adding 35 to 50 new subscribers each week.

Peck writes, “The newsroom team reports on news from the cannabis board, The Cannabis Retailer Association of Vermont and the Vermont Growers Association. They’ve reported on tax revenues, business licensing and the cannabis job market.

“‘It’s a new industry that needs to be covered and (has) a lot of new business owners who didn’t really have the experience of dealing with the media or even experience being business owners,’ Yassir said.

“The team publishes at least three weekly news stories and at least seven social media posts. Reader submissions are welcome, subject to a vetting process. Readers have written firsthand accounts about navigating cannabis retailers and growing cannabis at home.”

Read more here.

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