Media News

Economist hires Connelly as senior Asia correspondent

July 1, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Michael Connelly

The Economist has hired Aaron Connelly to be its senior Asia correspondent and Asia diplomatic editor.

He will start in August and be based in Singapore.

Connelly is currently a senior fellow for Southeast Asia politics and foreign policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He played a key part in the organization of the Shangri-La Dialogue and setting the Institute’s research agenda on Southeast Asia.

During his time at the IISS, he has launched two major new initiatives: the Myanmar Conflict Map, an interactive platform for data visualization and analysis of the ongoing conflict in Myanmar; and the annual Singapore Simulation, a two-day crisis workshop designed to test multilateral diplomatic responses to a range of geopolitical scenarios.

He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Georgetown University.

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