Media News

Dow Jones reports rise in revenue, profits

February 5, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Dow Jones & Co., the parent of The Wall Street Journal, reported a 3% increase in revenue and a 7% increase in profits in the second quarter due to gains in subscription revenue.

The company reported revenue of $600 million, up $16 million, and operating income of $174 million, up $11 million.

Dow Jones is owned by News Corp., whose earnings releases break out its performance. Dow Jones also owns Barron’s,, and Investor’s Business Daily. It now has 5.9 million subscribers, up 9% compared to the earlier year, with 4.2 million of those coming from The Journal.

Circulation and subscription revenues increased $20 million, or 5%, reflecting a 4% increase in professional information business revenues, led by 11% growth in Risk & Compliance revenues to $80 million and 10% growth in Dow Jones Energy revenues to $68 million, partially offset by lower Factiva revenues primarily due to an ongoing customer dispute.

Digital-only subscriptions to Dow Jones’ consumer products grew 13% to over 5.3 million. Total subscriptions to The Journal grew 4% compared to the prior year, to over 4.2 million average subscriptions in the quarter.

Digital-only subscriptions to The Journal grew 7% to nearly 3.8 million average subscriptions in the quarter, and represented 90% of total Wall Street Journal subscriptions.

Advertising revenues decreased $5 million, or 4%, due to a 10% decline in print advertising revenues, as digital advertising revenues were flat. Digital advertising accounted for 64% of total advertising revenues in the quarter, compared to 62% in the prior year.

The full earnings release is here.


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