Media News

Denver Biz Journal hires Ritter to cover tech

June 23, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Cassidy Ritter

The Denver Business Journal has named Cassidy Ritter as its new tech reporter and Colorado Inno editor.

Associate editor Angela Ufheil writes, “Ritter brings with her years of experience reporting on the technology sector. Prior to joining the DBJ, she oversaw news coverage across nine sites for Chicago-based Built In, a global platform for technology and startup professionals. One of those sites was Built In Colorado, where Ritter often contributed to publishing news from the state’s industry.

“‘Cassidy comes to the DBJ with a great sense of what the industry is about,’ DBJ Editor-in-Chief Kourtney Geers said. ‘Those instincts will serve our audience well as she digs into the stories that need to be told during shifting times in the technology world.'”

Read more here.

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