Media News

Bloomberg hires Saeed to cover EU tax beat

July 2, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Saim Saeed

Bloomberg News has hired Saim Saeed to cover the European Union tax beat.

He has been agriculture editor for Politico based in Brussels since 2017.

He joined Politico as a breaking news reporter, after which he covered aviation for Politico’s Pro Mobility coverage. Before joining, he worked The Express Tribune, an English language daily in Karachi, Pakistan – his hometown – writing mostly about South Asian politics, security and terrorism.

He has also worked as a writing assistant at the World Policy Institute in New York, and an editorial assistant at The American Interest in Washington, DC. Saeed has written for the New York Times, Al Jazeera, The Diplomat, Haaretz, and numerous publications in South Asia.

He has an undergraduate degree from Bard College and a masters from Oxford.

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