Media Moves

Wilson joins the NY Times’ Well team

August 3, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Blake Wilson

The New York Times has tapped Blake Wilson to serve as Well’s new editorial director. As per the Times:

“As editorial director, Blake will be a leader on the desk, helping to guide and expand our coverage. He’ll assign and edit stories, manage our editorial calendar, run brainstorms and keep the trains running on time. He will act as a liaison between our desk and the rest of the newsroom and partner with Nicole and the audience team to further develop our off-platform strategy and drive growth.”

Wilson has been with the Times for more than 15 years, recently serving as digital director of The New York Times Magazine.

He has also held the posts of web producer for books and culture, deputy editor for Sunday metropolitan, senior editor for NYT Now and senior editor for culture.

He also held the posts of assistant editor at Slate Magazine and editorial assistant at The New York Review of Books.

Wilson has a B.A. from Yale University.

Be sure to congratulate Wilson on Twitter.

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