Media Moves

Emerald Media Group names Henry publisher

October 3, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Eric Henry (Photo: Emerald Media Group/Eric Henry)

Emerald Media Group has appointed Eric Henry as its publisher and executive director. Commenting on his new role, he said:

“I loved being in the college newsroom environment back when I was in school. It’s really stuck with me. I like the energy and the creative ideas and the commitment to independent student-run journalism.”

“My goal for my time here is to continue to make that independent student-led media group possible and to help it thrive. So that it changes with the times that we find new, creative, innovative ways to be better at what we do.”

Henry began his career as a reporter at the Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State University’s student newspaper. He has also worked in B2B media marketing via online and digital sales, marketing, audience development and planning and analysis.

The Group’s recent publisher and president, Bill Kunerth, worked with Henry at the Tahoe World newspaper in California.

Kunerth said:

“During that time, I was so impressed with Eric’s journalistic chops along with him just being a natural leader, motivator, team player and innovator. During my four decades working in the journalism profession, I’ve always put Eric near the top of my favorite people to have worked with.”

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