Media Moves

County Community Television news director Crutchfield to retire

November 14, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Curtis Crutchfield

Curtis Crutchfield, the news director of Prince George’s County Community Television, has announced his retirement. He said:

“I’m thinking that stress-wise it’s going to go down like a hundred percent. My method, rather, has been to prod, to encourage, to chastise. Sometimes I’ve been a little harsh. I want reporters who are fast with their work, aggressive, assertive and persistent. Do we do a good job, great job everyday? No. Do we make mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes, but you need the media.”

During his more than three-decade tenure, Crutchfield assigned his reporters and photographers to cover issues in Prince George’s County and the Maryland General Assembly.

His replacement has not been named yet.

Reach out to Crutchfield via X/Twitter or LinkedIn.

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