Journo Jobs

The Lakeland Times seeks a general assignment reporter

July 19, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

The Lakeland Times/Northwoods River News are seeking a full-time reporter to cover a variety of beats – one with a love of reporting about government entities, be it at the school, town, or county levels. This position may also require reporting about police and courts.

We seek an individual with a love and understanding of 21st century technology and the role of social media in reporting.

Because this is a general assignment position, a day’s work could take one to a school or county board meeting, a concert in the park, a luncheon sponsored by an area church group, or to the courthouse for the day’s activities.

We seek a reporter who can handle a camera, drop everything to get to the house fire down the road, and produce compelling copy that engages the reader and tells the entire story.

The reporter will have a nose for news and the desire to go the extra mile – to think beyond the actions of the board or committee and produce stories that make a difference in the lives of our readers – and do it all on deadline.

We seek candidates with experience, but will also consider those with the drive to learn and succeed in a fast-paced environment that demands attention to detail.

To apply for this position, provide a cover letter and resume to Heather Holmes, P.O. Box 790, Minocqua, WI 54548.

Materials may also be emailed directly to

For more information click here.

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