The Epoch Times is looking to hire dedicated and self-motivated news writers/journalists to cover topical and trending news of the United States, including politics and social issues.
Candidates need to work in the Asia time business hours or submit news articles between 6pm and 6am Eastern Time.
Candidates should be grounded in ethical journalism and dedicated to seeking the truth regardless of how it may contrast with personal bias or convictions.
- Identify, pitch, and write news articles that drive traffic to our website.
- Write 3-4 clean-copy, AP-style news articles per day
- Make calls or write emails to various news sources like PR, law enforcement, and attorneys, etc., when necessary
- Perform under tight deadlines
- Follow major stories closely to rapidly cover major and breaking developments
Job Requirements:
- At least 5 years of experience in writing news for print or the web
- Clear and concise writing following the AP Style Guide
- Strong narrative skills for feature writing; ability to tell complex stories in an accessible and engaging format
- Solid news judgement and equivalent experience
Application Requirements:
Send your resume, a cover letter, 3+ samples of your work (URLs and/or attachments, please include links to any relevant photo or videos samples) and 3 references to
For more details click here.