
The Information seeks a business of sports reporter

August 28, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

The Information’s Weekend section is seeking a reporter to cover what’s next in the business of sports. The ascendance of women’s sports will be a top coverage area, and this reporter should want to be the authority on the subject. We’re also interested in topics such as online gambling; e-sports; the various leagues’ media strategies; the tech and media moguls acquiring teams across all sports; and the technology and science that make athletes into superhumans.

This reporter will lead a new franchise for Weekend that will include his or her regular coverage as well as potential events and other elements.

This reporter should want to help us set the beat’s dimensions and see ahead to how those parameters will change over time: We want someone with a vision for melding this coverage together and an eagerness to experiment. They’ll write in-depth pieces several times a month for Weekend, and they should want to move at a news weekly’s energetic pace. As with all of Weekend’s best work, these stories should combine muscular reporting with artful writing.

  • Write several times a month for Weekend, a weekly section – both deeply reported long-read features and shorter stories.
  • Establish and cultivate relationships with trusted sources in technology.
  • Contribute to a great, welcoming team culture with high standards of journalism
  • A sizable track record at high-caliber publications. The ideal candidate will have experience on a national sports or media industry beat, but we will consider promising candidates who show a strong desire to dive in and have the story ideas to prove it.
  • A vision for how to shape this beat, from the big narrative trend stories and profiles to smaller stories that advance your coverage.
  • A willingness to work closely with editors to craft high-impact stories living up to The Information’s brand of exclusive journalism. You should be comfortable being edited to the highest expectations of magazine-style journalism—and thrive on that type of collaboration.

To apply, go here.

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