Journo Jobs

Fast Company seeks tech reporter

October 6, 2015

Posted by Chris Roush is hiring a technology reporter to cover the companies that are driving consumer computing hardware and software forward—and battling to build the operating system for our lives. Examples of these types of companies include, but are not limited to, Samsung, Google, and Apple.


  • Publish 3-5 original, midsize, news-pegged stories on each week
  • Contribute to breaking news coverage on
  • Contribute 1-2 large feature stories to per year
  • Use your already robust social media accounts to source story ideas and distribute your articles

This Job Is Right For You If:

  • You have previous experience as a technology reporter at a technology publication or in the technology section of a major news website
  • You already have a network of sources in the business world
  • You are an engaging and highly accurate writer
  • You never miss a deadline—even a short one
  • You have more ideas for stories than you’ll ever have time to write
  • You are comfortable writing in many different formats and open to experimenting with your work on new and emerging platforms
  • You enjoy working in a newsroom environment
  • You are an independent self-starter, but you also enjoy collaborating with others

This is a full-time, salaried position with benefits. This position is based in New York City or San Francisco only. EOE.

To apply, please email a C.V. and links to articles you have written to Anjali Mullany: anjali at fastcompany dot com.

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