Business Insider
is hiring full-time visual features reporters to tell captivating visual stories for its sections covering technology, tech lifestyle, gadgets, mobility, video games and everything else tech.
These positions are on teams that cover technology companies, how they can affect everyone’s lives, and the lives of the people that run them — from Facebook’s latest privacy scandal to what Jeff Bezos
ate for breakfast. The visual features reporter would pitch, shoot and write their own stories on these topics and be equally adept at sourcing photos from online outlets and going out to shoot their own.
The ideal candidate would consider themselves both a photographer and a journalist with excellent news judgement who is constantly thinking about how to turn today’s big news story into tomorrow’s must-see visual feature.
You’ll be writing stories like these:
Business Insider is looking for someone with:
- Excellent writing skills
- A passion for telling visual stories
- Interest in reporting on a variety of topics
- Experience taking and editing original photos
- The ability to work at a fast pace as part of a team.
Copyediting skills and light HTML experience are a plus.
This is a full-time position based in New York.