NewsBusters slams NY Times for not following its exec comp coverage

The NewsBusters web site has a posting today criticizing the management of the New York Times Co. for ignoring its…

18 years ago

Magazine blows the lid off of government IT program

Government Computer News, an industry publication owned by the Washington Post Co., has an investigative story in its latest issue…

18 years ago

African biz journalism contest announced

Journalists who have covered African business or economics can enter their work for a contest sponsored by an international brewing…

18 years ago

Interesting disclosure

I've been reading more of the media coverage of the Wal-Mart conference with journalists from the past two days, and…

18 years ago

Fort Collins, Colo., businessman becoming biz editor

In one of the most unique announcements I have seen about the naming of a new business editor for a…

18 years ago

Wal-Mart and reporters meet

Wal-Mart Stores has been having its two-day meeting with a group of about 50 reporters that cover the world's largest…

18 years ago

WSJ deputy bureau chief applauds cutting stock listings

David Wessel, the Washington deputy bureau chief of the Wall Street Journal, applauded the moves by newspapers across the country…

18 years ago

SPJ Green Eyeshade awards named for biz reporting

The Society of Professional Journalists named its Green Eyeshade Awards on Wednesday, and there were three winners in the business…

18 years ago

Ron Insana, a former CNBC anchor and host of the show "Street Signs" on the business news cable network, is…

18 years ago

Shareholders oppose pay hikes for Financial Times parent

A shareholder advisory group is opposing a proposed compensation schedule for British-based Pearson PLC, the parent of the Financial Times…

18 years ago