Some of Friday’s top business news stories:
A hot US job market is coaxing people in from the sidelines, by Christoper Rugaber
Run, bull, run. Longest US bull market looks to keep going, by Alex Veiga and Damian J. Troise
Amazon suppliers panic amid purge aimed at boosting profits, by Spencer Soper
Tesla’s U.S. sales slowed earlier this year, blog says, by Craig Trudell
Philadelphia becomes the first major city to ban cashless stores and restaurants, by Alyssa Newcomb
Music streamers — minus Apple — appeal ruling to increase songwriter royalties, by Kevin Kelleher
SEC scrutinizes fairness in stock exchange pricing, by John McCrank
Airbnb buys Hotel Tonight in deeper expansion, by Heather Somerville
News about business journalism
How a decline in labor coverage has hurt the media
Why there’s so much hiring in biz journalism these days
How James Grant got into business journalism
Forbes takes down article due to lack of disclosure
Kilgore, editor of National Mortgage News, departs
This date in business journalism
2014: Reflecting on 30 years in business journalism
2009: AJC editor explains business section changes
Business journalism birthday
March 8: Sarah Rabil of The Wall Street Journal