Media News

Washington Post reviewing private story by tech columnist Lorenz

August 16, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Taylor Lorenz

Senior editors at the Washington Post are reviewing a prominent tech columnist’s private story on social media, which appears to label President Biden a “war criminal” in a photo, reports David Folkenflik of NPR.

Folkenflik reports, “The Post’s Taylor Lorenz attended a White House event for digital influencers on Wednesday. In the photo she shared with a circle of friends on Instagram, Biden appears over her shoulder; the damning caption rests just below him, accompanied by a text frowny face.

“After the New York Post’s Jon Levine — a frequent critic of hers — revealed the Instagram photo caption yesterday in a tweet, Lorenz wrote back at him: ‘You people will fall for any dumbass edit someone makes.’

“A fact-check appended to Levine’s tweet cited her apparent denial. (The contextual note to the tweet says, ‘Taylor Lorenz says this is a digital manipulation which has added a false caption.’) Lorenz told her editors that someone else had added the caption to the photo.”

Read more here.

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