OLD Media Moves

How Bartiromo juggles the balls in the air

October 21, 2020

Posted by Chris Roush

“She Said/She Said” podcast host Laura Cox Kaplan spoke with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business about her career and her schedule.

Bartiromo appears on the air three hours each morning and then an additional two hours on the weekend.

“I know I have a lot of balls in the air,” said Bartiromo. “But if you want to get something done, give it to a busy woman…I love what I do.”

She also talked about becoming the first reporter to be on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, for which she credits her training at CNN before joining CNBC.

“It was an amazing opportunity for me to be the first person…” she said. “In the beginning, it was challenging. The biggest challenge was that it had never been done before. I knew how to cover a story as it was actually happening. That is the beauty of what I was doing on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.”

To listen, go here.

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