Washington Post business editor David Cho and deputy business editor Zachary Goldfarb sent out the following announcement on Tuesday:
We’re thrilled to announce that Suzanne Goldenberg will become the new Sunday Business Editor.
Suzanne has spent the past 2 1/2 years as an economics and policy editor, overseeing some of our biggest enterprise and news stories across a wide range of beats. She has edited major investigations into workplace misconduct that resulted in the resignation of a top Hollywood manager and a non-profit leader, stories about the struggles of pharmaceutical companies to find Alzheimer’s treatments, as well as widely-read posts involving imaginative uses of data visualization. She has also helped oversee coverage of the trade war and the U.S. conflict with China over Huawei.
Suzanne has ambitious ideas for deepening the section’s reputation as a must-read for features, profiles, narratives and other in-depth stories about business, the economy, technology and personal finance. She has creative proposals for how to give Sunday Business more of an identity by using visual journalism and thematic issues to make a mark with readers online and in print. And she wants to make the section a home for younger and more diverse readers who crave insights into how economic forces affect their lives. Suzanne will oversee Sunday Business’s award-winning columnists, as well as a few other crucial business beats.
Before joining The Post in early 2017, Suzanne had a distinguished career as a correspondent at The Guardian, where she covered a number of beats including the United States, the Middle East and South Asia, as well as the environment. She lives in Washington with her husband and daughter.
We’re very much looking forward to seeing what Suzanne accomplishes with Sunday Business. Please congratulate her on the new role, which she will begin Sept. 3.