David Rennie, the Washington bureau chief for The Economist, is moving to Asia next year for the publication.
He will continue as bureau chief until the end of the year.
Rennie joined The Economist in 2007 as European Union correspondent and Charlemagne columnist, based in Brussels. From July 2010 to July 2012 he was British political editor and author of the Bagehot column, based in London.
In the summer of 2012 he moved to Washington and wrote the Lexington column from September 2012 to last week. As Washington bureau chief he is focused on U.S. foreign policy.
Previously he was on the foreign staff of the Daily Telegraph, with postings in Sydney (1998), Beijing (1998 to 2002), Washington (2002-05) and Brussels (2005-07). From 2006 until he joined The Economist, he was also a contributing editor of the Spectator magazine. He worked for the Daily Telegraph in London (1996-98), and the Evening Standard (1992-96).
He has given classes and public lectures on European Union affairs at Harvard University, Boston University, Bristol University in Britain and at the business schools ESCP (Paris) and IE (Madrid). He won the 2010 UACES/Thomson Reuters “Reporting Europe” award.