OLD Media Moves

ProPublica teams up with Beacon to promote workers’ comp coverage

August 24, 2015

Posted by Chris Roush

worker's compProPublica has teamed up with the journalism crowdfunding site Beacon to encourage more coverage of workers’ comp across the country.

Amanda Zamora of ProPublica writes, “Nearly a century after most states established protections for the American worker, at least 33 have reduced benefits, created hurdles to getting medical care or made it more difficult to qualify for workers’ comp, according to an ongoing investigation by ProPublica and NPR. It’s an issue that potentially affects hundreds of thousands of workers who report serious work-related injuries or illnesses every year.

“As part of our investigation, Insult to Injury, we asked people to tell us about their experiences navigating workers’ comp claims — and more than 300 have shared their stories so far.

“Now, we’re partnering with Beacon to invite journalists to take these stories — along with state-by-state research, detailed benefits data, and our Reporting Recipe — to help us document the impact of workers’ comp reductions across the country.

“Beacon’s platform gives journalists the tools they need to fund their work by connecting directly with engaged readers. Its goal is to power impactful, in-depth stories that matter to the public – a mission that aligns with our own. In the past, Beacon has successfully funded projects on mass incarceration, net neutrality, climate change and more.”

Read more here.

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