Media News

Dow Jones union to vote on strike fund

June 12, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

In light of a potential walkout by IAPE-represented employees at Dow Jones and financial hardships that some members may face, the union that represents journalists at The Wall Street Journal, and Barron’s is looking to start a strike fund.

IAPE President Jodi Green filed a formal motion Wednesday with the union’s board of directors to allocate funds from IAPE reserves in order to establish a Strike Hardship Fund.

The fund will provide crucial assistance to our members who experience docked wages due to their participation in authorized work stoppages. It was in anticipation of such contingencies that members voted overwhelmingly in 2020 to lift the cap on monthly dues.

Members in good standing will be eligible to receive hardship benefits if they honor a voluntary walkout pledge and participate in a work stoppage, or observe and respect picket lines established by the Union following a strike authorization vote.

The motion was formally seconded by Northeast Location Director Frank Matt. The IAPE Board will vote on the motion during its next regular meeting, scheduled for Monday, June 17.

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