Prospect Magazine has appointed Alan Rusbridger as its editor, succeeding Tom Clark.
Currently, Rusbridger is the principal of Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford. He is a veteran Guardian journalist, having edited it for 20 years from 1995-2015.
He joined the Guardian in 1979 as a reporter. Over eight years, he reported and wrote a daily diary column and features before leaving to become the Observer’s TV critic. He then became the U.S. editor for the London Daily News.
From there, he re-joined the Guardian, launching its Weekend magazine and G2 section before becoming deputy editor; and then editor.
He has also published a memoir of journalism and music, Play it Again and is the author of Breaking News – about what journalism was; where it is going; and what it may become. This was followed by News and How to Use it.
Additionally, he has also written for the New York Review of Books, the Observer and the New Statesman.
Rusbridger is also the chair of Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and serves on the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. He was also appointed as one of 20 members of the newly-formed Facebook Oversight Board.