The new design features bigger headlines, bigger photos and fewer modules. For example, Yahoo Finance has combined the watch list, portfolios and popular market data such as top gainers and losers into a configurable dashboard where consumers can add, remove and re-order stocks directly on the homepage.
The redesign also moved the navigation bar to a horizontal position at the top of the page, freeing up room for a wider, content experience via the infinite news stream.
Topic-specific “news clusters” appear, based on stories that consumers have read or liked, and easier social sharing options make it a snap to let others know about the valuable information they’ve acquired.
Consumers will also be able to watch live market coverage, three times daily, on the homepage.
Another new feature: to jump between interactive charts, just click a ticker on the watch list. New data visualizations in the right rail provide a quick company performance summary, while a new “View Watchlist” button allows consumers to see stocks on any quote page without navigating away.
And instead of 15 fixed headlines, Yahoo Finance now offers an infinite stream of content on the quote page, with related articles grouped into clusters, similar to the homepage.
Read more here.
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