Brent Jones, assistant managing editor for training and outreach at The Wall Street Journal, sent out the following announcement on Tuesday:
More great news on hiring: This week Till Daldrup joins the Journal newsroom as Training & Outreach Programming Coordinator.
Till is a recent graduate of New York University‘s Studio 20, a Master‘s program focusing on innovation in journalism. He was introduced to the Journal last year as a fellow on the R&D team, where he researched ways to analyze algorithms and their social impact and wrote a reporter handbook about “deepfake” detection. During the early part of this year, Till worked as a researcher for Dow Jones’ Innovation group. Before moving to the U.S. in 2017, he was a freelance business journalist in Germany for newspapers and magazines, such as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Stern.
Till will help to push new and innovative ways to train as well as support all training and outreach initiatives, with a focus on how we package and deliver sessions digitally and globally across the newsroom. He is based in our New York office, and will reach out to many of you — near and abroad — in the coming weeks to learn about your roles and for training conversations.
Please join me in welcoming Till to our newsroom team.