Jonathan Krim, senior deputy managing editor at The Wall Street Journal‘s web operations, made the following announcement to the staff on Tuesday:
We are pleased to announce that Emily Peck is the new Management & Careers Editor for Working closely with the corporate bureau, Emily will manage the newly combined team that provides coverage for print and online in the realm of management and careers news and information. Emily also will work closely with Erin White, the corporate real-time deputy, whom she succeeds in the M&C position.
As’s Real Estate Editor, Emily has spearheaded the significant expansion of real estate readership and coverage online, including through the successful Developments blog. She has also edited the popular Juggle blog and overseen the online presentation of Personal Journal content.
Prior to joining the Journal, Emily spent five years as editor of The American Lawyer’s IP and Business publication. Emily graduated summa cum laude from SUNY Albany, and has a masters in political science from Columbia University.