Wired magazine has hired Gizmodo senior reporter Ashley Feinberg to cover politics and Internet culture.
Her first day is May 30 in New York. She will be a senior writer, writing across all Wired sections.
John Cook, the executive editor of the special projects desk at Gizmodo, wrote an email to the staff on Tuesday that stated:
It is with a heavy heart that I announce the departure of Ashley Feinberg from our cold embrace. No blogger embodies the character of Gawker Media and its heirs, successors, or assigns more than Ashley, whose first job out of college was as an editorial assistant at Gizmodo in 2013, when the internet was still good. She moved to Gawker Dot Com two years later, and helped keep it vital and alive in the most trying of times. With curiousity, mischief, and cheerful misanthropy, she dragged readers through some of the most fascinating and foul corners of the internet, unleashing some titanic scoops along the way.
At Gizmodo, Feinberg was on the digital investigations team as a senior reporter since January. Before that, she was a staff writer and then a senior writer for Gawker.
Feinberg is a graduate of Trinity University.