OLD Media Moves

Wired’s editorial staff forms a union

April 22, 2020

Posted by Chris Roush

Tech news Wired magazine’s staffers will form an editorial union as parent company Condé Nast plans cuts due to the coronavirus economic downturn, reports Maxwell Tani of Daily Beast.

Tani reports, “The union will likely ultimately encompass the editorial staff of nearly 80 people, including writers, researchers, video producers, and other non-managers at the publication—making it one of the larger unions among national magazines.

“In the mission statement, Wired’s unionizing employees said they seek pay equity among staffers with the same or similar jobs, increased benefits for contractors or help turning them into full-time staff, and the protection of the magazine’s unique editorial voice. The union also said it will focus on increasing diversity at the publication.

“The effort comes as Condé Nast openly weighs potential staff pay cuts or layoffs for a significant portion of the company. ”

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