Herb Greenberg, a senior markets columnist for TheStreet.com, writes on LinkedIn about how reinventing himself throughout his career has moved him forward.
Greenberg writes, “As somebody who has spent a good part of my career reinventing myself, I’ve dodged the critics along the way.
“There was the job change, early in my career, where one boss thought I was making a big mistake going from a trade publication back to daily newspapers. (I never looked back.)
“Or the one, after a year at a risk arbitrage firm, when I jumped back to newspapers to start a six-day-a-week column when I had never written a column. (Didn’t have a clue what I was doing, and bluffed my way into the job, but it lasted for 10 years to the day.)
“And the big one one: When I left daily newspapers and that column, back in 1999, to jump into the unknown world of what then was called ‘online journalism’ by joining a fairly new publication called TheStreet.com. (Lots of people thought that was a mistake; as it turns out I was leading edge of a wave that, ultimately, would disrupt even my online journalism career.)
“I even started a research business that lasted for two years. (As it turns out, we didn’t reinvent fast enough, but it was a good, lucrative business while it lasted.)
“So when I read ‘Invent, Reinvent, Thrive,’ it resonated — not just for entrepreneurs, but for anybody who tries to get ahead.”
Read more here.