Michele Himmelberg, a former sportswriter who begins writing about workplace issues for the Orange County Register this week, sums up her reasons why writing about the workplace is so important.
Himmelberg states, “This new column will explore how workers in Orange County are designing their success routes. We’ll examine leadership, time management and how to get ahead in a land of affluence and low unemployment. We’ll learn lessons from people who are switching careers, negotiating for flex time or working way more than the U.S. average of 47 hours a week.
“Think of it as an ongoing dialogue about quality of life. In a county where the average house goes for $600,000-plus, what combination of work and play, community building and compensation make it all worthwhile?
“Readers tell us they want guidance as they make important decisions in this area. My boss, another working mom, tells me readers will appreciate my voice in the column because I’ve been there.”
Read her other reasons why she made the switch here.
OLD Media Moves
Why write about workplace issues?
March 27, 2006
Michele Himmelberg, a former sportswriter who begins writing about workplace issues for the Orange County Register this week, sums up her reasons why writing about the workplace is so important.
Himmelberg states, “This new column will explore how workers in Orange County are designing their success routes. We’ll examine leadership, time management and how to get ahead in a land of affluence and low unemployment. We’ll learn lessons from people who are switching careers, negotiating for flex time or working way more than the U.S. average of 47 hours a week.
“Think of it as an ongoing dialogue about quality of life. In a county where the average house goes for $600,000-plus, what combination of work and play, community building and compensation make it all worthwhile?
“Readers tell us they want guidance as they make important decisions in this area. My boss, another working mom, tells me readers will appreciate my voice in the column because I’ve been there.”
Read her other reasons why she made the switch here.
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