The Washington Post launched Monday a new personal finance website called ‘Get There’, which brings together reporters, columnists and other experts for a look at money and its impact across all stages of life.
The site will be run by personal finance reporter Jonnelle Marte. She writes:
Here, we’ll hold robust conversations about saving, spending and investing. We’ll figure out how the latest policy shifts affect your pocketbooks and explain it to you in plain English. And we will offer fare for investors of all stripes — from those struggling to balance the household budget to those managing ample portfolios.
Expect regular chats with leaders in the financial world about how they got to be where they are. We’ll share stories of regular people accomplishing big financial goals, like paying off debt, buying a home, sending their children to college — or juggling all three. We’ll also bring you stories of real people retiring on their own terms, which can mean finding a second act, landing a part-time gig, or — in some cases — not retiring at all.
Over time you’ll get to know me, but you’ll also see a lot of names you already know and trust, such as Michelle Singletary, our nationally syndicated personal finance columnist. Consider this a home for her columns, newsletter and chats. You’ll recognize Barry Ritholtz, our man in New York who translates Wall Street and the financial markets for regular investors. Expect appearances from Post reporter Danielle Douglas, a pro on all things related to banking and consumer credit, and Martha Hamilton, a longtime retirement writer, as well as other experts from inside and outside the newsroom.
Read more here.