OLD Media Moves

Thomson Reuters staff given tips on applying for jobs

May 27, 2008

Journalists at the newly merged Thomson Reuters operation have been given tips on how to apply for internal job openings as the organization attempts to cut 140 editorial positions, writes Patrick Smith of the Press Gazette in London.

Thomson ReutersSmith writes, “Journalists at Thomson Financial Newswires were advised to read two documents on the company’s intranet this month, one titled Thomson Reuters Introduction to Interviewing and another, Filling Roles: Competency Based Interviewing Guide.

“According to a well-placed source within the company, human resources staff have been holding workshops on tackling interviews for the new company. Press Gazette understands that the meetings are not related to the consultations with staff over redundancies which are underway.

“Reuters interviews take place in several stages, often before a panel of four or five senior management staff.

“The competency guide advises interviewees to expect tough questions such as: ‘Give an example of a time when you had to strive hard and make personal sacrifices to achieve an aim which was important to you/the business.'”

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