
The Philadelphia Citizen is looking for writers

March 8, 2022

Posted by Margarita Sanabria

The Philadelphia Citizen is looking for experienced Philadelphia-based writers who are critical thinkers with a passion for telling stories that are civic-minded; problem-solving; contextual; and smart.


The Philadelphia Citizen, a nonprofit, non-partisan media organization has a dual mission: to provide deeply reported journalism that emphasizes solutions that can move our region forward, and to actively reignite citizenship in and around Philadelphia. We seek to identify our innovators, call out those who stand in the way of progress and shine a light on the next generation of Philly leadership—all while giving Philadelphians the interactive tools they need to become more involved, engaged citizens. Philadelphia doesn’t just need another news organization. It needs journalism that focuses on solutions that, together, we can help bring to fruition. It needs a movement of citizens who refuse to outsource leadership to a political class long characterized by an insidious transactional culture.


We are looking for people who are able to write solutions pieces. One area that especially works for people outside of Philly is our series called Ideas We Should Steal, about solutions to problems in other cities that could work here in Philadelphia too:


  • $300-$500, depending on the type of story and experience of the writer.


For more information, visit their website.

Email all questions and submissions to Roxanne Patel Shepelavy, Executive Editor of The Philadelphia Citizen at:


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