The technology news site Techdirt is offering a new subscription service that allows readers to read, among other things, stories before they are posted and stories that may never get posted.
“We also have some brand new features on the site for Insiders, including the new First Word/Last Word offering, which I’ll have another post discussing in more detail a little later today. There’s also the brand new Insider Chat which all of you should be able to see to your right. Certain Insider membership packages allow you to join in the chat. Without one of those… you can still view the chat, but you can’t participate. Also, for those who sign up for longer term packages, we have a number of offerings, including special Insider Hangouts (using Google+’s Hangouts feature), which should be a lot of fun. Check out the store for a detailed explanation of all the new blog features that are available.”
Read more here. Techdirt is also offering that it will shut its site down for one day for $1 million.
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