TechCrunch has promoted Kirsten Korosec to transportation editor.
She has been with the tech publication since 2018 covering autos and technology. Korosec had been contributing to Fortune since March 2014, covering the business of autos, energy, and tech.
She has also been a freelance writer for more than a decade, writing for The Verge, SmartPlanet.com, BNET.com/CBS Moneywatch, Marketing News, MIT’s Technology Review, The Hill and Environmental Leader.
She is also the co-host of “The Autonocast,” a twice-weekly podcast show discussing the latest in transportation technology.
Korosec also spent five-and-a-half years at CBS Interactive and BNET.
Personal news: I'm now transportation editor at @techcrunch. The title comes w/ a mission to expand our coverage. I'm looking for freelancers, inc. a daily beat reporter. Passionate about tech, startups and transportation (EVs, AVs, micro and in-car tech)? My DMs are open.
— Kirsten Korosec (@kirstenkorosec) January 25, 2021