Some of Monday’s top stories:
New York Times
Under health care act, millions eligible for free policies, by Reed Abelson and Katie Thomas
Seeking more pay for delayed play, by Bill Carter
Wall Street Journal
Google’s Eric Schmidt lambasts NSA over spying, by Deborah Kan
Detroit recovery begins where Philadelphia and Leipzig converge, by Chris Christoff and Jeff Green
SAC settlement, with record fine, set for Monday, by Kate Kelly
It’s going to be an interesting week for BlackBerry, by Ewan Spence
Today in business journalism
Topeka paper expands its Sunday biz coverage
Bounds leaving WSJ video for Consumer Reports
Fox Biz’s Gasparino criticized for tweeting Bond Buyer was closing
This date in business journalism history
Los Angeles Times Assistant Managing Editor for Entertainment and Arts Craig Nakano made the following…
The Pacific Coast Business Times, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary, has posted an editorial…
Columbus Business First, an American City Business Journals publication, has hired Leslie Caimi as a reporter covering…
Bloomberg News is one of the biggest financial and business news organizations in the world.…
Bloomberg is seeking a curious, talented and persistent Washington-based reporter to cover the US government’s…
Frederic Lardinois, senior enterprise editor at TechCrunch, has left to join The New Stack as…