Brittany Meiling, the startups and biotech reporter for the San Diego Business Journal, has resigned to accept a senior writer position at Endpoints News.
Endpoints News is an an independent online news organization that covers global biopharma. Meiling will be working from San Diego, but covering global news.
On LinkedIn, Meiling wrote:
The best employers both educate and embolden, and SDBJ has been exemplary in both regards. Thank you, SDBJ, for giving me a seat at the table, for sharpening my writing and reporting by poking holes in all my stories (and teaching me how to fill them).
Meiling has been with the paper since July 2014. Last year, she pitched a new section of the business weekly dedicated entirely to startups and entrepreneurship. The new segment, launched June 2016 as “The Startup Page,” was designed to stand out from the rest of the publication.
She’s a Missouri State University graduate and worked at the Springfield Business Journal in Missouri.