Craig Wessel, the retiring publisher of the Portland Business Journal, writes about his career at the paper.
Wessel writes, “It’s my great hope that I have lived up to the potential of the role I was given. Much of our focus as an organization has been on illuminating how companies grow and on celebrating all of the great things that come as a result of that growth – family wage jobs, philanthropy, a rich and vibrant community – none of that happens without economic prosperity.
“Our core focus has always been excellent business journalism, but our events business was born out of what I saw at the time I came back as a city that was decidedly unappreciative and even antagonistic toward the role of business in the community’s affairs. That has evolved to some extent over the years and I hope our recognitions of philanthropy, manufacturing, fast-growing companies and the many other sectors we engage in has helped to drive home the importance of what a healthy business community does for a region.”
Read more here.