OLD Media Moves

Prediction: WSJ staffers will move on, replaced by English and Aussies

July 26, 2007

Posted by Chris Roush

David Ho of the Austin American-Statesman writes that some believe that News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch will try to hire more British journalists at the Wall Street Journal if he is successful in acquiring it.

Ho wrote, “Edmonds said Murdoch is unlikely to change the Journal in ways perceived as ‘trashy or taking it down market,’ but he might seek to bring in British or Australian journalists.

“‘He does think they operate quickly and a little bit faster on their feet than American journalists,’ he said.

“Morton said that no matter what Murdoch plans for the long term, ‘one of the things you’ll see if Murdoch succeeds in this is probably a fair amount of staffers moving on to somewhere else.'”

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