Nancy Scola, a senior tech reporter at Politico, plans to leave near the end of the month.
She is also a frequent contributor to Politico Magazine, and has served as a staff writer at the Washington Post. She will remain a contributing editor to Politico Magazine.
She frequently serves as a moderator on tech policy panels and often appears in the media to discuss tech topics. Her work as a magazine writer has appeared in the Atlantic, New York, Washingtonian, and elsewhere.
She has served as an adjunct professor in Georgetown University’s graduate journalism program, teaching digital journalism to master’s degree students. She began her career working on tech issues in Congress, serving as a professional staff member on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and has worked as a tech policy advisor in presidential politics.
She graduated from the George Washington University with a B.A. in anthropology and Africana studies, and from Boston University with an M.A. in anthropology.