The Orange County Register is looking for a dynamic business editor to lead a team of veteran reporters.
The mission is to offer Orange County Register subscribers must-read, world-class, seven- day-a-week business sections and digital reports that inform industry leaders, executives, investors and movers and shakers. To connect Orange County industries and business trends to the nation and the world with essential information and illuminating tales told with depth, perspective and context.
The winning candidate must:
• Be a true coach and wordsmith, capable of helping the team produce stories that are essential to readers.
• Be a proven leader who knows that discipline, enthusiasm and attention to detail are contagious.
• Plan and edit the daily and Sunday business sections and digital report, including news, profiles, enterprise stories, long-form journalism, explanatory reporting, watchdog and investigative reports.
• Ensure that stories provide context and meaning.
• Analyze data to find trends.
• Be able to recruit great local experts to contribute to the section.
• Set and meet deadlines.
• Have effective communication skills and coordinate with the business team, other team leaders, photographers, graphic artists, designers and managers.
Orange County is home to some to the nation’s leading tech, biotech, surf, design and aerospace businesses.
The position pays a competitive salary based on experience and includes a comprehensive benefits package.
Candidates should have at least five years of leadership experience, a deep knowledge of business and a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Knowledge of Orange County is a plus.
To apply, send resume, cover letter and five examples of your work to