New York Times business editor Ellen Pollock and tech editor Pui-Wing Tam sent out the following announcement:
We’re delighted to announce that Raymond Zhong will be joining the Times to cover technology in China.
Raymond comes to us from The Wall Street Journal, where he most recently covered economics in India, working out of New Delhi for three years. He previously was based in London for the Journal, working in the op-ed department. Before he was a journalist, he worked at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, and interned at Goldman Sachs and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
In India, Raymond visited car factories in Gujarat to report the changing fortunes of manufacturing-led economies, traveled to Uttar Pradesh to see crumbling railways and the underinvestment in infrastructure, and trekked in Nepal to find out how the country was rebuilding after a devastating earthquake.
Fluent in Mandarin, Raymond just came off a refresher course in the language at Beijing’s Tsinghua University. He will eventually be based in Beijing, but will start with the Times by visiting New York, San Francisco and working out of the Hong Kong bureau.