The New York Times business desk is seeking to hire three new business journalists to expand its online news presence with blogs and online sections devoted to energy and the economy, according to internal job postings provided to Talking Biz News by one staff member.
The staff member says, “It shows how aggressively we’re responding to Murdoch’s WSJ.”
The jobs are for an online reporter and an online editor covering the energy industry and an online editor for economics coverage.
The online energy reporter, according to the job posting, will work on “a new online section devoted to energy industries and technologies, with an emphasis on alternative energy and green business. This journalist, in articles and/or blog postings, would cover the business and policy angles of reconciling energy use with environmental concerns. Some of the work may also appear in the print edition.”
As for the economics editor position, that person will “be the main contributor to the blog, helping to establish its voice, and a primary creative force behind the section, which would mix the day’s news with economic insights. He/she will monitor major economic reports and blogs, may assign or edit work from reporters or other contributors, and will stimulate feedback from the site’s readers.”