OLD Media Moves

New Orleans biz newspaper changes print schedule

August 29, 2014

Posted by Chris Roush

New Orleans CityBusiness, a weekly business newspaper, announced Friday that it is changing its print schedule to once every two weeks and will launch a redesign in October.

A story on its website states, “The every-other-week schedule is fairly common for other business news publications, including within the region, Blossman noted. It was the schedule for CityBusiness as recently as the mid 1990s.

“She added that the change will not result in any staff changes at New Orleans CityBusiness.

“CityBusiness recently reworked its newspaper’s layout to make room for more in-depth feature stories, business news analysis and investigative reporting. It also provides additional space for news digests and graphic breakdowns of local business data and trends.

“When it moves to its new schedule, CityBusiness will also use a better quality paper.

“‘This change lets us do what we already do well even better,’ Editor Greg LaRose. ‘Our readers have already seen the upside of our new layout, and this frequency change is going to let us give more attention to all of our products.'”

Read more here.

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